- Name: Dao Strom
- Artistic Field: Writer, Visual Artist, Musician
- Website: https://www.daostrom.com/
Dao Strom is an artist who works with three “voices”—written, sung, visual—to explore hybridity and the intersection of personal and collective histories. She is the author of the poetry collection, Instrument (Fonograf Editions, 2020), and its musical companion piece, Traveler’s Ode (Antiquated Future Records, 2020); a bilingual poetry-art book, You Will Always Be Someone From Somewhere Else (AJAR Press, 2018), which was a finalist for the 2019 Firecracker Award in Poetry; a hybrid-form memoir, We Were Meant To Be a Gentle People, and song cycle, East/West (2015); and two books of fiction, The Gentle Order of Girls and Boys (Counterpoint Press, 2019, 2006) and Grass Roof, Tin Roof (Mariner Books, 2003). A graduate of the Iowa Writers Workshop, she has received support from the Creative Capital Foundation, Precipice Fund, Oregon Arts Commission, NEA, and others. Born in Vietnam, Strom lives in Portland, Oregon. She is also co-founder and director of two collaborative art projects, She Who Has No Master(s), and De-Canon.