Reading Guides

DVAN Staff Picks Reading List

The DVAN staff recommends some of their favorite reads by authors of the Vietnamese diaspora. This list includes traditional and experimental novels, a graphic novel memoir, and stories for children, written by authors ranging from the "1.5"-generation to contemporary emerging younger writers, writing in the U.S., Canada, and Australia.

Vietnamese Who Call Australia Home

Many Vietnamese arrived in Australia after 1975 under a refugee resettlement plan. Today Vietnamese Australians account for nearly 1.5% of the country's population. How does the Vietnamese Australian experience differ from other diasporas? Check out this reading guide to find out.

Readings at the Intersections of Vietnamese Diasporic Identities and Womanhood

What is the Vietnamese woman’s experience like in the diaspora? And how are they pushing the limits of their art? Read about the lives and art of Vietnamese diasporic women in this reading guide.

Explore the lives of LGBTQ Vietnamese in the diaspora

LGBTQ Vietnamese in the diaspora may experience challenges but also many particular joys. This reading guide introduces readers to the lived experiences of LGBTQ Vietnamese in the diaspora who are making art, expressing themselves, and creating spaces to celebrate their communities.