Our mission is to represent Vietnamese and Southeast Asian diasporic literature, art, and culture.
We publish essays, fiction, poetry, art, comics, and hybrid pieces by writers and artists from Southeast Asia and those of the Southeast Asian diaspora. We also welcome profiles and interviews with culture makers and reviews of works. Southeast Asia encompasses: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam. We publish primarily in English and welcome pieces in other languages if there is an English translation as well. We aim to reply to all submissions within two months. At this time, we cannot offer an honorarium.
Guidelines for Submissions
Please send PDF or Word .docx submissions. Include a brief bio. In the subject line, please provide the title and the genre or series of your submission. For example: “Book review: A Thousand Times You Lose Your Treasure” or “this is for mẹ: Coffee and Culture with Phin.” Pitches for essays and profiles are welcomed. All submissions should be sent to [email protected] Preferred word limit: Limit poetry to 10 pages and prose to 2,500 words.
Our Sections
Creative works: fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and hybrid forms this is for mẹ: works exploring the subjects of mothers, motherhood, motherlands, mother tongues and family. Profiles: Interviews or write-ups of writers, artists, organizations, or projects within and about the Vietnamese and Southeast Asian diaspora. Essays: Commentary on matters of cultural, political, personal, and aesthetic concern for the Vietnamese and Southeast Asian diaspora. Reviews: Reviews of books, films, shows, performance, visual art, and music by creatives within the Vietnamese and Southeast Asian diaspora. If you’re a publisher, author, or publicist and would like to submit a book for review consideration, please contact us. If you would like to contribute a review, contact us with a query or let us know your interest and the genre(s) you would like to write about; please provide links to any previous work if possible. For a list of books to review, visit this list.
Special Call for Submissions
For many in the Vietnamese diaspora, April 30, 1975 remains an important date: it is the day Saigon fell, marking the end of the Vietnam War and changing the lives of millions. It is, in many ways, the beginning of the modern Vietnamese diasporic story.
April 30, 2025, will be the 50th Anniversary of the Fall of Saigon.
What does this date mean to you? How has the diaspora changed in the last 50 years? How has time changed the diaspora’s relationship to Vietnam? What does April 30 mean to those in the diaspora far removed from the war by generations? We want your answers to these questions and more!
Submit your essays, fiction, poetry, and hybrid pieces reflecting on the 50th Anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War. Send your submissions to [email protected] by March 15, 2025 (11:59 pm PT).