It’s time for our second subscriber drive. We’re looking for 100 new subscribers for diaCRITICS, and we’ll be giving away prizes to the 25th, 50th, 75th, and 100th new readers. If those new subscribers were referred by a current subscriber, we’ll give the current subscriber a prize too! So if you’ve been reading but not subscribing, now’s your chance to join and win some prizes!
UPDATE: We have our 25th subscriber and are well on our way to the 50th. Check back soon for a profile of our 25th subscriber.
New subscribers can subscribe via email to the right, as in this picture:
BUT–if you subscribe via RSS (to the right), we won’t know and you won’t win. Sorry, but wordpress does not allow us to track RSS subscriptions.
The winners will receive any Vietnamese-related book or DVD of their choice from worth up to $25. We’ll also interview you and feature you in a post on diaCRITICS.
If the winner was referred by a current subscriber, that person will also get a Vietnamese-related book or DVD of their choice from worth up to $25.
Each of the winners and referrers will be entered in a raffle to win Vietnamese-related books or DVDs on worth up to $100.
So start encouraging your friends to subscribe to diaCRITICS!