The Diasporic Vietnamese Artists Network (DVAN) believes that the stories and aesthetics of a thriving Vietnamese diaspora can unite our global community. Our mission is to celebrate and foster diasporic Vietnamese literary voices. DVAN presents nonfiction, fiction, and poetry to empower Vietnamese artists in the diaspora and to promote understanding and dialogue within our community and with others. Our complex and diverse stories must be championed and passed on to current and future generations. We are refugees, immigrants, survivors, and descendants, and our stories must be heard.
We are announcing that from Saturday, September 17, 2022 to Saturday, October 1, 2022, DVAN is launching an Online Silent Auction to raise $10,000 towards DVAN’s “Championing Our Narratives” Campaign. With over 15 items, we have a range of exciting bundles, experiences, and art & merchandise by Vietnamese-owned enterprises. We would like to extend a warm thank you to the Vietnamese-owned businesses founded by Vietnamese creatives and creators for donating to our silent auction. Proceeds from the auction directly supports our long-term goal to create a hub and community for the next generation’s diasporic Vietnamese literature, stories, and cultural productions.
View our wide selection of items!
None of this would be possible without your support, our friends and members who make up our dedicated and dynamic community. A donation to mark the beginning of this new journey as our own non-profit 501(c) 3 organization would be of course most welcome and further signal to us your appreciation and commitment to our mission. We deeply appreciate each and every contribution. All donations are tax deductible.
DVAN cultivates a new generation of readers, writers, and inspired citizens, which our world needs so very much in the context of an increase violence against Asian Americans. Your generosity allows DVAN to make these opportunities and spaces available.