
‘Human is a Half-Open Being’: An Interview with AJAR Press

My hopes and questions for AJAR are not separate from my hopes and questions for the Vietnamese language in its survival from all violences of the past [I am pessimistic and not exaggerated] and in its encounters with the other’s languages.

Book Review: Chapbooks by Jessica Nguyen & Natalie Linh Bolderston

These chapbooks center the histories women carry with them as well as how they're making space in the world, in the present as well as the future.

Lệch Một Khấc

Họ đầm đìa đắm đuối ở mọi ngóc ngách của khu nhà trống. Họ cũng thường nhìn nhau châm bẩm để thăm dò chính mình hơn là để quan sát kẻ đối diện. Ở một thời điểm ắt có và đủ, các sơ thừa nhạy cảm và kinh nghiệm bản thân để nghe ra cái bè trầm trong dàn đồng ca.

Book Review: Savage Pageant

"Savage Pageant" is a companion for our concurrent entrapment and escape. We can accompany the tapir into extinction, crushed and crushing both by and within the play, the pageant, the show.

“Deviate” by Trần Thị NgH

It'd been a long time since he last went to Nhu Thị's hermitage to see Đĩ Đực and then, driven by hormones, not situation, seduced the painter in the very room the painting was hung. Are men cursed or what!

Book Review: The Gutter Spread Guide to Prayer

The Gutter Spread Guide to Prayer rejects the narrative of healing after the death of a loved one, of getting over grief. Instead, one learns how to “hold the grief//like an attic of heirlooms” or set it down “like a parent does an infant.”