
Viet Thanh Nguyen: The Immigrant’s Fate Is Everyone’s

diaCRITICS editor Viet Thanh Nguyen writes on the rigidity of defined borders and recognizing the importance of immigrants in America's history: "I am an immigrant. I am also a human being, an American, a Vietnamese, an Asian and a refugee. I do not have to choose among these identities, despite those who would insist that I do."

Andrew Lam’s April 30th Speech

I struggle to figure out what exactly to say today about Vietnam and the experiences that we all carry. My relationship with it remains complicated, and it is one with so many contradictions and without any final resolution. My Vietnam experience keeps on changing with the times.

April 30

diaCRITICS editor Viet Thanh Nguyen offers some thoughts on April 30: "Today is what many Vietnamese in the diaspora call "Black April." For them it is the anniversary of the Fall of Saigon. I understand their feelings. I grew up in a Vietnamese community in San Jose, and I absorbed their memories and their unspoken trauma."

Martin Luther King, Jr., on Vietnam

"Beyond Vietnam," also known as "A Time to Break Silence," was delivered on April 4, 1967. One year later Martin Luther King was assassinated. The speech is one of the best summations of what America was doing wrong in Vietnam.

Voices of Vietnam

Voices of Vietnam recently launched their new website focusing on raising awareness about the assaults committed by South Korean soldiers during the Vietnam War.

Tony Nguyen: A Chance for Truth in Little Saigon

Tony Nguyen, director of Enforcing the Silence, responds to criticism of FRONTLINE and ProPublica's new documentary investigating the murders of Vietnamese-American journalists, Terror in Little Saigon....