Monthly Archives: October, 2016
OUT OF THE MARGINS :: Stacey Tran (responds to Ocean Vuong)
the color blue is the color of eyes we do not have
we push through what liesin front of us
Eric Nguyen Reviews ‘Fish in Exile’ by Vi Khi Nao
Reviewed by Eric Nguyen. Grief is such a common subject in fiction, it’s difficult to make it new. To be fair, it’s a theme fertile for exploration and an experience that is universal. Vi Khi Nao’s newest book, Fish in Exile, fits perfectly into this tradition while also expanding it.
Eric Nguyen Reviews ‘After Disasters’ by Viet Dinh
Reviewed by Eric Nguyen. In January 2001, an earthquake struck the Gujarat area of India. In its wake, between 13,805 and 20,023 people were killed, an additional 167,000 were injured, and nearly 400,000 homes were destroyed. It is against this backdrop that Viet Dinh places his meditation on suffering and redemption, a debut novel aptly titled After Disasters.
Ajar Press :: NƯỚC | WATER | COUNTRY
In the beginning, as a hidden being, I was absorbed in the nước ối (amniotic fluid) of my mother. I was there, safe in darkness, unknowing of what would happen, until being born. Then I came to know that I am a vulnerable being in life. To know about nước mắt (tears), the waters of human, and nước mưa (rain), the waters of sky, one pushing from the inside out, one falling from the outside in...
Những tiếng nói mới trong văn chương người Mỹ gốc Việt: Trò chuyện cùng Viet Thanh Nguyen, Andrew Lam, và Aimee Phan
Ở đây, Viet Thanh Nguyen tham gia cùng Andrew Lam và Aimee Phan để thảo luận về việc viết văn, cảm hứng của họ, về cộng đồng văn chương Việt Nam hải ngoại, và về tương lai của văn chương người Mỹ gốc Việt.