Monthly Archives: March, 2021
Making Meaning: A Conversation with Artist Quynh Lam
"Further, the art is as much for the audience as it is for me, in that I alone do not get to decide what my art means."
102°f in California ~ a poem by Au-Co Tran
saigon came back to me in waves/fans blasting on max, slicing hot air
Hội Nghệ sĩ Việt Nam Hải ngoại DVAN lên tiếng về bạo lực đối với người Mỹ gốc Á Châu
Trong niềm thương tiếc sâu xa và nhằm lên án tội ác, bản lên tiếng này là một trong nhiều nguồn hỗ trợ, sự đoàn kết và ủng hộ gần đây trước vụ thảm sát mang tính chống người gốc Á diễn ra tại tiểu bang Georgia vừa qua.
A Non-Comprehensive List of Resources on Anti-Asian Violence and Protecting Asian Women
Memorial fundraisers for families of the spa shootings victims
Relief fund by Asian Americans Advancing Justice in Atlanta, GA
The AAPI Community Fund
Family Fund by the...
On Anti-Asian Violence, and Collective Life
A tender lamentation and vigilant condemnation, this statement is one of many during the recent outpouring of support, solidarity, and sustenance in light of...
Apocalypse Never: Writing Our Origin Stories and Imaginative Futures as Montagnard Americans
If history is made durable by the survival of the written records, as Montagnard Americans in the twenty-first century, a radical act against our historical erasure is to write our stories now.
A Surveillance: Review of Quynh Lam’s “I Am Not a Spy”
I Am Not a Spy is a claustrophobic performance. The audience is locked out of the gallery but can watch her either through the...
Art Makers: A Conversation with Filmmaker Carol Nguyen & Writer Julie Mai
"How do you acknowledge that you're an ancestor while also, there are still living ancestors in your life that you're still writing from."
In the Diaspora: March 2021
Socio-cultural, literary, and political news and events relating to the Vietnamese diaspora and to Việt Nam.
ÁCCENTED w/ She Who Has No Master(s): “Tea & Tarot” Conversation
As we descend from Women’s History Month and ascend towards the spring equinox, ÁCCENTED: Dialogues in Diaspora will be hosted by Hoa Nguyen (A...