Monthly Archives: August, 2015
August 2015 News and Events
What happened in August 2015: socio-cultural, literary, and political news and events relating to Vietnam and to the Vietnamese diaspora. ") are the opinion...
Jora Trang is our 5th subscriber. She wins a signed first edition of Viet Thanh Nguyen's The Sympathizer.
An Immigrant’s Experience, Recast As Noir, In ‘Dragonfish’
In an interview with NPR's Scott Simon, Vu Tran discusses his first novel, Dragonfish, and noir fiction. This interview was originally published on NPR. ABOUT DRAGONFISHOakland...
Editor’s Note: Our Accidental Hiatus
Dear subscribers and readers,Perhaps you noticed that diaCRITICS didn't publish anything from May 9th until early this month. Well, we did publish several articles,...
July 2015 News and Events
What happened in July 2015: socio-cultural, literary, and political news and events relating to Viet nam and to the Vietnamese diaspora. ") are the...
Jade Hidle: Michael Nhat’s Experimental Hip-Hop in Heads on Sticks
Nhat unapologetically confronts the larger social context surrounding his personal background as an orphan survivor of the U.S. war in Viet Nam. In “The Racism I Go Through,” Nhat cuts through today’s oftentimes evasive and murky racial discourse by posing the question, “It’s 2014 and people are still this dumb? Fuck me!”