Monthly Archives: April, 2021

A Suitcase of Recipes: Diasporic Vietnamese Cookbooks and the Stories They Tell

I'm thinking about refugees and how we write about the foods of our country of origin. How we often apologize for our hard-to-find ingredients or for the funk that makes them so damn tasty. How we think it necessary to convince readers that our cuisine is "easy" and "simple." How we adapt until we forget ourselves.

ACCENTEDiRL: “Tales from the Margins”

The Diasporic Vietnamese Artists Network (DVAN) is collaborating with the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American (APA) Center to host ACCENTEDiRL: Dialogues in Diaspora. This Spring...

Qui Nguyen, ‘Raya and the Last Dragon,’ and a Southeast Asian Moment

For me, it was also letting me be able to give my personal touch, as a Vietnamese American, who desperately wanted to see a hero like this for my kids.

The Ho Truth

For a reality series, HBO’s "House of Ho" is bad at fitting into the confines of its genre. Then again, the Hos are bad at fitting into the confines of stereotypes. 

A Relation To Infinity

"Last summer when my grandma on my dad’s side passed, my parents attended the funeral in Saigon. They burned a piece for me. They conjured me. I was transported to them, made present by a flame."